terça-feira, 22 de junho de 2010

Major Problem Among Teens

One of the biggest problems among teens are durgs. Some teenagers get in the world of drugs because of too much pressure by their parents, or they think their lifes suck anyway so it won't matter (like Kurt Cobain, even though he wasn't a teen when he started using drugs). These teens normally start with ciggarrets and alcohol, then marijuana, until then it's ok, even being really bad for you and illegal. But some don't stop there. It isn't a big number, but some go far to crack, meth or cocaine. That's one of the things that most worries parents.
That's not the only problem drugs can cause. Some teenagers use durgs just cause it's illegal and it will make them look "bad" or something like that. Those teenagers don't stop at ciggarrets and alcohol. Those drugs, at some point, will have no effect at them. Or, he's too old for just using those, so he starts using others. And some more. And that can get them an overdose, that's the biggest drug problem, because it can get you killed.
But, it isn't everyone that uses durgs that get an OD and die. The Beatles used drugs. And that's what made their music change, and it got better!

This is a scene from The Yellow Submarine, one of The Beatles movies.

Clear proof that they use to use drugs.

Rafaela off and I love The Beatles :D

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